Grand Canyon National Park: Kayak By Andy Gregg, Joel Anderson, 2010
Grand Canyon National Park: Kayak
There are many ways to enjoy the Grand Canyon. Visitors can hike along its rim, but others choose to view the cliffs of this geologic masterpiece from the bottom up, ideally from the cushioned seat of a river kayak. When conditions are good, visitors enjoy a leisurely paddle down the Colorado River, a twisting, wandering idle from one river bend to the next. Illustrating a warm memory of such a trip, Anderson Design Group handcrafted this vintage national parks poster art in a style reminiscent of the early-1900s, the same time period when the park was first created. Decorate your great room or study with this retro art piece, an ADG Store design that harkens back to a peaceful memory. To learn more about the Grand Canyon, be sure to check out the Grand Canyon Conservancy.