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African Dream Coffee By Joel Anderson, 2024
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Every country and continent offers its own take on coffee, and many say Africa is the place where the best coffee is made. The African coffees are known for their balance of body and acidity, with sweet and sometimes winy flavors. The vibrant acidity ranges from sparkling to tart, often with floral and fruity elements in the aroma. To celebrate coffee from the African continent, Anderson Design Group poster artists rendered this vintage poster art in the style of 20th-Century classic advertisement posters, retro art, and world travel art. This original illustration is available as a poster, framed print, canvas, mini canvas, metal sign, or as a set of notecards or postcards. To learn more about coffee, be sure to check out the world’s most-read coffee blog, <a href=""target="_blank"><font color="#eb5927"><b>Coffee Geek.</b></a></font>
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