Legends Of The National Parks: Cuyahoga Valley's Grassman By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Legends Of The National Parks: Cuyahoga Valley's Grassman
What may start as a pleasant afternoon stroll on the manicured walking paths of Cuyahoga Valley National Park may end with quite the frightening encounter should one come across Grassman! Also called Ohio Grassman or the Eastern Bigfoot, Grassman is a local legend, a creature of the rural Buckeye State grasslands. Legend has it that, as Ohio’s population grew and as the rural areas became more heavily populated, Grassman sought seclusion in the peaceful quiet of Cuyahoga National Park. Thrilled at the thought of what may be Bigfoot’s ancestral cousin wandering the grasslands and forests of Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage poster of what we think Grassman might look like. Available as a print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, notecard, or postcard, this artwork would make an excellent addition to any home’s decor, or a great gift. To learn more about Grassman, check out this article at Exemplore.