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India: Agra, Taj Mahal By Michael Korfhage, Joel Anderson, 2012
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
One of the most famous structures in the world, the Taj Mahal was constructed from 1632 to 1653. The famous mausoleum is located in Agra, a city in northern India. The magnificent structure was built for Mumtaz Mahal, the deceased wife of the Muhgal emperor Shah Jahan. Much of the Taj Mahal is made of white marble, giving it the unique, bright white appearance that it still retains to this day. Millions of people visit the Taj Mahal each year, and we can see why! Inspired by the beauty of the structure and the romantic, sad story behind it, Anderson Design Group crafted a vintage travel poster of the Taj Mahal, a fitting rendition of the mausoleum in a retro design fashion reminiscent of the early-1900s. To learn more about the mausoleum and the best times to visit it, check out the Indian Department of Tourism.
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