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Mythical Creatures: Yowie (Australia) By Derek Anderson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Yowies are thought by some to be the Australian bigfoot, though descriptions of the creature vary. The creature is said to live in the Outback and other rural parts of Australia. The most sightings have been recorded in eastern Australian states. In Aboriginal legends, yowie-type creatures are discussed in great detail, with the creature described as a hairy, ape-like man anywhere from 6ft to 11ft tall. The yowie’s feet are much larger than a human’s, and its footprints are inconsistent in shape and toe number, making it difficult to track. The yowie is said to have a large, flat nose, a huge mouth, and bat-like ears. Descriptions of the yowie range in both its visual appearance and its demeanor. Some describe the beast as timid or shy, and others say it is violent and aggressive. Some describe it as a harmless ape-like creature; others say it looks more like a hairy wild man. Excited by the numerous (and recent!) sightings of the yowie, Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of what we think the creature might look like. This classic monster design and vintage poster art is available as a poster print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard. To learn more about the history and stories of the yowie check out the website All That is Interesting.
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