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Senegal, Africa By Steven Garcia, Joel Anderson, 2020
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
Mini Canvas
One of the most notable travel attractions in Senegal is the African Renaissance Monument. The monument is a huge, instantly recognizable 160-foot tall copper statue. The statue is located on the peak of a hill called Collines des Mamelles. Just outside of Dakar, Senegal, the statue is a must-see for anyone traveling to this West African nation. And in addition to its many cultural and historic icons and monuments, Senegal is also known for its rich natural lands and its preserved traditions. Inspired by the Senegalese art and its deep connection to the country’s historical roots, Anderson Design Group hand-rendered vintage poster art of the African Renaissance Monument, with the poster illustrated to scale by showing several people ascending the stairs to view the statue. Available as a poster, print, banner, notecard, postcard, or metal sign, this artwork would make for a great addition to any home or office decor. To learn more about Senegal, be sure to visit the website for the World Travel Guide.
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