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Argentina: Buenos Aires By Steven Garcia, Joel Anderson, 2017
The dancers in this poster were inspired by an original photograph by Bernardo Galmarini. Buenos Aires, a true kingdom of regality and ethnic delight in the south. Buenos Aires (meaning “Good Air”) is the most visited city in all of South America, and it stands regal and proud as the capital city of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the leading city in a country with the eighth-largest land-mass in the world. Inspired by this beautiful city and the famous Argentinian Tango that Buenos Aires is so well known for, our award-winning artists at Anderson Design Group handcrafted vintage travel poster art of two Tango dancers cutting loose in a city park. The dancing couple is based on an original photo by Bernardo Galmarini. You can order this classic poster as a framed print, canvas, metal sign, or as a postcard or notecard. To learn more about Buenos Aires, check out the Buenos Aires Ciudad.
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notecard dimensions: 4.5" x 6" when folded