Trevecca Nazarene University Trojans By Joel Anderson, 2008
Trevecca Nazarene University Trojans
Welcome to Trevecca Nazarene University, a private Christian liberal arts college in Nashville. Founded in 1901, the university maintains a collegiate body of about 3,000 students each year. The university is known for its arts programs and its athletics teams, as well as the ongoing success and accomplishments of its graduates. Anderson Design Group crafted two powerful images for the university, one of the McClurkan Religion Building and the other of a fighting Trojan soldier, the school’s athletic symbol. Available as posters, notecards, postcards, metal signs, art prints, or canvas banners, this artwork functions as fitting home décor pieces and university pride items all in one. To learn more about the school and its current sports season, visit the website for TNU Trojans.