America the Beautiful - The American Travel Collection and Vintage Poster Art
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A Chilly Trek through Crater Lake NP (by Mike Baker)
Sitting amid southern Oregon’s Cascade Mountains at 1,833 feet, Crater Lake National Park is a recreational wonderland that attracts skiers, sledders, snowboarders, snowmobilers, and snowshoers each winter, thanks to a 43-foot average yearly snowfall. But this playground was once a dangerous place to live for the original Native Americans who lived here when Mount Mazama erupted just over 7,700 years ago. The cataclysm decapitated the mountain, removed roughly a half mile of elevation and spread ash hundreds of miles away. Between 200 and 300 feet of ash and pumice settled near the eruption, which, due to hot gasses, eventually formed solidified columns...
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Exploring America's Beauty - American National Monuments and Natural Wonders
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Keep Track of the New Year with Vintage Art & 2020 Wall Calendars!
Call us "Calendar Nerds" if you will, but one of our favorite things about the New Year is—well, calendars. A nice, easy-to-read (and write on) wall calendar is something you will use almost every day of the year. And if it's gonna be up on your wall all year long, why not make it a rotating exhibit of 12 gorgeous pieces of art? (Sure, you could decorate with kittens, swimsuit models, or vintage cars, but nothing beats a curated selection of award-winning poster art!) That's why we at Anderson Design Group geek-out about creating new calendar designs every year—each one features artwork hand-picked from our...
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