ADG Around the World

ADG Around the World

From a recent New York Times feature to an ADG National Parks mural on display at the National Park Service headquarters in Washington D.C., ADG poster art is shown to the world in many places and across several mediums. Eternally humbled and appreciative that the work of our dedicated artists has been met with such enthusiasm, we wanted to shout out the features and placements we’ve seen recently.

Did these features lead us to get a little misty around the eyes? Almost certainly.

New York Times Feature

You can imagine our surprise when a friend contacted us to tell us they’d seen our artwork featured in the New York Times! Wirecutter, the product recommendation website for the New York Times, wrote a snippet titled “Travel posters with classic appeal” that featured our work within a broader list of best gifts for travelers. Click the link embedded into the highlighted text above and scroll down through the NYT post to find the part about our poster art!

Here’s what NYT writers Dorie Chevlen and Samantha Schoech said about ADG travel art:

“Years ago, senior staff writer Kit Dillon’s father went to Cuba and saw a clay statuette of Fidel Castro for sale. Kit said that when the vendor told his father the price, he said, “Castro no vale tanto” (translation: Castro isn’t worth that much). That may seem risky for an American to say while traveling alone in Cuba, but the statuette is here now looking at Kit, so somebody appreciated the joke. Ever since, Kit said when he finds a small token of Cuba—like this art print—he sends it to his father to remind him to take the trip again one day, only this time with Kit. For its World Travel Poster series, Anderson Design Group created nostalgic images that hearken back to another era of travel—and they make an excellent promissory note for a trip to come. The collection currently encompasses every country in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Central, South, and North America, and it will eventually include every country in the world. The prints come in six sizes, and the images are available on canvas or metal.”

National Park Art on Display in Washington D.C.

The National Park Service created an ADG National Park poster art mural at the NPS’s Washington D.C. headquarters! We were honored to see the photos the park rangers took and sent us of our National Park art on display in such an important building.

ADG has spent years researching the American National Parks, often relying on the National Park Service for information, research data, park advice, and reference photos. Founded in 1916, the National Park Service has been an essential custodian of this country’s most beloved public lands, the preservation of which has often been described as America’s Best Idea.

Once our award-winning poster artists finished creating an original National Parks illustration and poster for every park on the roster (that’s 63 parks), ADG’s artwork of the National Parks became internationally recognized as a complete body of artwork that celebrated the parks while also harkening back to the vintage poster art that would have been in vogue when many of the parks were designated. The result? The National Park Service used our works in their wall-to-wall mural depicting each National Park.

Our National Parks poster art collection will never really be “finished” however. Currently, with more than 300 original illustrations, ADG artists are forever inspired by the American National Parks, and they continue to make art of these incredible and historic places.

A Poster for 192 World Nations!

You read that correctly! Anderson Design Group just reached the milestone of creating original artwork for 192 world nations. All of the artwork is on display in the World Travel Poster Art Collection. This collection has well over 400 posters, as we’ve created more than one original illustration and vintage-styled poster for many of the countries.

The World Travel collection first rose to popularity during the 2010s, leading to ADG world travel art now being on display in the offices of foreign dignitaries and in consulates and embassies worldwide. According to our records, the only continent where our artwork has yet to be featured is Antarctica, so if you know someone in Antarctica who would appreciate our work, send them our way!

More Poster Art to Come

At the time of this writing, Anderson Design Group has produced over 3,000 original poster illustrations, many of which are styled after early and mid-20th-century vintage art. Some of our art is fashioned after mod art and art deco, and other pieces take after travel art, National Park art, vintage ad art, digital paintings, oil paintings, retro art, and more.

We’ll continue making art because it’s what we love to do. We invite you to view our poster art collections. If there’s a place you love that we haven’t created art of yet that you’d like to see, feel free to send us a message!

Thank you so much for your support over the years.

-Ren Brabenec
Anderson Design Group Staff Writer

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