Southern Delight – Show Your Love for All Things South with Vintage Po – Anderson Design Group

Southern Delight – Show Your Love for All Things South with Vintage Poster Art (by Ren Brabenec)

Southern Delight – Show Your Love for All Things South with Vintage Poster Art (by Ren Brabenec)

"Southern, is to feel, well, something special even in the quiet, something fine in itself after all those rebel yells and fight songs have finally faded into silence. This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven." -Rick Bragg

Maybe you were born and raised in the South. Or perhaps you moved here from somewhere else (probably from somewhere much colder, right?) Or maybe you've just been visiting and taking in the southern hospitality and kindness. But no matter your roots, you and I can both agree that there is something truly special about the South. There's just nothing quite like this region, a place that stands out in our hearts and minds like the bright blue eyes of the most beautiful girl from back in grade school. There's a nostalgia to the South, and there's just something so romantic and endearing about this place.



What is it that makes the South the South? Is it the accent? Or the fantastic cooking? Is it the manners and respect, the family values, the sense of community, the dedication to hard work during the week and church on Sundays? Or maybe it's a combination of all the above. We might consider that there's something a little more magical about the South. Maybe it's something you can't quite put your finger on. Perhaps it's the heavy, mid-summer air, the ever-present sound of laughter and rocking chairs from front porches, or the heart-lifting twang of banjos and the strum of guitars on many a street corner.

Our artists at Anderson Design Group realized that the South was so much more than could be summed up in just a few words. So our team set out to create the Southern Delight Collection. We put our pencils, brushes, and pens to paper to create, from our minds and our hearts, an array of vintage poster art inspired by all of the things that we love so much about living in the South.

The Southern Delight Collection

The Southern Delight Collection contains 39 handcrafted vintage posters of everything that rings true as "southern" to us. And we're still working on this collection! Every time we're inspired by something exceptional about our home here in Nashville, we create a unique poster design of it. Everything we've seen, heard, tasted, and felt since we came to Nashville decades ago, we've poured into our Southern Delight posters and illustrations.

This collection is chock-full of all those endearing sayings and colloquial expressions that you only hear in the South. These include the sayings we hear and use every day like, “Bless your heart,” "Good ol' southern boy," "Heavens to Betsy," "Hey y'all," "I reckon so," "I'm fixin' to," "Lord have mercy," and "Welcome y'all." Once you've heard a true Southerner speak, you'll never forget it. Odds are, you'll wish you talked like that too!


We also took inspiration from the places in the South that mean something special to us, and which might mean something special to you too. From Atlanta to Chattanooga, Charleston to Memphis, New Orleans to Savannah, and of course, Nashville, our Southern Delight Collection includes vintage artwork of our favorite southern cities.


And it wouldn't be a collection dedicated to the South if we didn't include the food. Grits, a southern kitchen stocked full of seasonings and sauces, hot chicken, peaches, sweet tea, and a good ol' fashioned roll of the bread dough are all featured in this collection. It's our tipping of the hat to what, as we see it, is the best darn cooking in the world!


What it Means to be a Group of Southern Artists

We got our start right here, in Nashville, in 1993. Most of the Anderson Design Group team is from the South. And those of us who moved here from elsewhere have been here long enough that our voices sometimes get that Southern drawl without us even knowing it.

Each day we make affordable, accessible art, styled after the nostalgia and the romantic nature of early 20th-century vintage poster art. We take our time, as is the Southern way, to create retro artwork that we can be proud of, artwork that we hang in our own homes, offices, and studios. Our drive behind the Southern Delight Collection was to capture that iconic style of the South and of vintage poster art. We wanted to make each poster of the series look just like something that might have hung from a wall in the early and mid-1900s.

Decorate Your Home with a Little Southern Hospitality – Our Family to Yours

Our primary focus behind the Southern Delight Collection wasn't just to make retro artwork of all things southern. We wanted to create artwork inspired by the Golden Age of Poster Art. And we wanted to do so in a way that showed our family and friends everything that we thought was truly special about the South. Most of all, we wanted to create artwork that would serve as fantastic home decor pieces, vintage posters, and classic illustrations that would look great on any wall.

Our artwork is infinitely customizable, available in several styles and sizes. You can order vintage poster art from the Southern Delight Collection as art prints, canvases, hanging banners, metal signs, notecards, or postcards. You can even have our local Nashville frame experts (Belle Meade Framers) frame an art print or postcard before we send it to you. Whether you live in the South or just love this region as we do, our original vintage pieces make for tasteful and affordable home décor items.


Today's South has really got it right. The manners, the food, the family values, the sense of community, the knowledge that a day spent on the porch watching the kids grow is never a day wasted. We wanted the world to know what the South is like. And hopefully, if we can show the rest of the world how we do things down in our neck of the woods, maybe other places will take a page from the Book of the South.

I don't know about you, but I think we could all do with a little bit more respect, manners, community support, and love in our lives. Here's to the South, and here's to everything we know and cherish about this warm little slice of Paradise.

-Ren Brabenec

Anderson Design Group Writing Staff

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